The last few months have been a busy one for the members of Freehold EMS and we want to share what we’ve been up to!
Late last year, FEMS purchased a Stryker Lucas Device. This unit allows for continuous compressions on a victim of cardiac arrest to ensure the best possible care is being provided. Over the course of 2 evenings, over 80 members were trained.
Next, we purchased 3 Stryker Autoload systems which were installed in ambulances 1556, 1559, & 1560. One unit is capable of safely lifting over 800 pounds into our ambulances ensuring the increased safety of both the patient and provider.
Next, FEMS purchased a new ambulance last year that was finally inspected and placed into service in January.
Last but not least, we designed and purchased a beautiful customized station table and chair set for the comfort of our dedicated membership while waiting to respond to your emergency needs! (Life Member & current board member Bill Madden approves!)